Monday, February 2, 2009

The Merry Merry-Go-Round

So, Tom Daschle, President Obama's choice for the Sec of Health and Human Services has tax problems?

Am I surprised? Haven't we played this game lately?

Last week? With Timothy Geithner?

Tom Daschle, who was the leader of the Democrats in the Senate for years before he was ousted by a Republican 4 years ago, has claimed he is "deeply embarrassed" over his tax problems and vows to answer the questions the Senate panels puts before him today.

Tommy Boy made over $5.2 million in the last 3 years and didn't pay a dime in taxes on it or other services until he was under consideration for a cabinet position by President Obama. He then promptly payed over $100,000 plus interest in back taxes to bring him current. And this is what he had to say about it (courtesy of the story on Fox News)-

"I apologize for the errors and profoundly regret that you have had to devote time to them," Daschle said in a letter to Sen. Max Baucus, the chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, and Sen. Charles Grassley, the top Republican on the panel, released on Monday. Daschle wrote that his "mistakes were unintentional" and he had "disclosed this information to the committee voluntarily, and paid the taxes and any interest owed promptly." "As you can well imagine, I am deeply embarrassed and disappointed by the errors that required me to amend my tax returns," he added.

Embarrassed, Mr. Daschle, that you didn't catch this $100,000 error or embarrassed that you got caught?

Democrats, including the President, are standing behind Mr. Daschle. John Kerrey, that purveyor of truth and all that is good in America, calls it an "innocent mistake." When asked if he stands behind his pick, President Obama stated "absolutely."

When does this parade of fools end? First Bill Richardson (who had the decency to bow out), Hillary Clinton and questions on money her husband is STILL taking from foreign donors, Timothy Geithner and his tax problems, Eric Holder and his questions on gun issues, and now Tom Daschle and taxes.

How we have lost sight of what the Lord established as criteria of those who are elected to lead this nation -

Wherefore, honest men and wise men should be sought for diligently, and good men and wisemen ye should observe to uphold; otherwise whatsoever is less than these cometh of evil. (D&C 98:10)

1 comment:

  1. Ha Ha- did you see how he "declined" today. Sure- let's call it "declined."
