Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Crossing the Line With Veterans

President Obama and his new administration have done some very questionable things in the first two months in office but none come close to what he is proposing now for veterans. When a soldier is wounded in the service of his country, he is able to go to the VA for health care related to those disabilities. The Veterans Administration picks up the tab for that care. If he goes to the VA hospital for a non-combat/service related condition then his private insurance picks up the tab.

Until now. President Obama wants private insurance to pick up the tab for non-combat/service related conditions AND for care of injuries that happened in the service of your country. Read about it here. So if you are wounded fighting for Uncle Sam, your private health insurance would need to cover that instead of the VA.

Thanks for serving your country. Now get out and pay your own way for the loss of your leg. Or the post traumatic stress syndrome nightmares that you suffer. Or the shrapnel lodged in your back from the mine your Humvee ran over and killed all of your buddies except for you.

The American Legion is disgusted, they had a meeting and left shaking their heads. Read about that here.

This is the lowest of lows. Many have given their lives for their country and are still living everyday with the horrors of what they encountered. To try and save money this Obama administration proposed destroying this nation's foundation? While private banks, who still give out executive bonuses because some of them (AIG) were huge Democratic donors, are getting billions we are forcing veterans to pay their own medical costs? We are going to let them stand on their own? Not while I am still breathing. Not while I still have the power to support those men and women who have given so selflessly to our country. God help those who are serious in their attempts to thwart real bravery and courage as this may turn the tide against this sophomoric president and his bumbling administration.

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