Wednesday, March 4, 2009

We Invoke the 10th Amendment

Something extraordinary is happening, sit up and take notice of the renewal of the power of the Constitution. 16 states have now introduced legislation at the state level to reject funds from the Obama-Reid-Pelosi "stimulus" package that is being given to each state. They are invoking the 10th Amendment of the Constitution, which reads as follows -

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

Which means that any power not given to the federal government by the Constitution is left to the discretion of the states. The federal government only has as much power as the States give it - it is a servant of the states and not the other way around as most administrations would like you to believe.

An example of how the federal government does this is by withholding funding for certain projects if national laws are not implemented in the state. For instance, if the federal government passes a bill that says the speed limit is 55 mph, you must have auto insurance to drive a vehicle, and that the intoxication limit for driving is .08 blood alcohol level and the state of Utah does not adhere to these laws or copy them, then federal highway funds will be withheld. If you don't do this then I won't give you this. Do it my way or you can't play.

16 states have said "Enough." And it all has to do with the stimulus package.

These state legislatures have seen that there are so many strings attached to this money that they want no part of some of it. Some states have rejected more of the stimulus money than others but they are all saying that the rights of the state trump the right of the federal government.

Kudos to these state legislatures, kudos to them for understanding that this is an absolute breach of power by the federal government and it seems to be getting worse under the Obama administration.

Where is my state, Utah, in all of this? (Crickets chirping) Utah's governor, John Huntsman, has too many national ambitions to do something silly like this. The state legislature is wrapped up in their own budget cutting, ethics bill problems, defending state legislators who say inflammatory things that upset certain special interest groups, etc.

Utah will not be one of the state invoking the 10th Amendment, but 16 states (nearly 1/3 of the states) are. You might want to check out home prices in these states as they are the ones that have the guts to fight -
  • Washington
  • New Hampshire
  • Montana
  • Michigan
  • Texas
  • Arizona
  • Missouri
  • Oklahoma
  • Georgia
  • South Carolina
  • Tennessee
  • Kentucky
  • Kansas
  • Indiana
  • West Virginia
  • Minnesota

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