Monday, April 27, 2009

Greg Book Review - The Associate / John Grisham

I couldn't believe my luck when I found this book in the library last week. I really enjoy the early Grisham novels and I was expecting this one to be better than the last one I read from him (The Appeal).

Disappointed was a good start.

This one was about a poor schmuck, Kyle, who was blackmailed to steal secrets from a big law firm that he was beginning to work at. His handler, known as Benny, had a compromising video of Kyle from his undergraduate days, Benny uses that to get Kyle to obtain information on an upcoming lawsuit between two big defense contractors. Well, Kyle is a poor first-year employee at the firm and he is working horrific hours, having to do menial chores, but of course gets put on the top-secret lawsuit - just right for Benny to steal secrets. Kyle finally tells the FBI and they go after Benny, but Benny escapes and disappears into the night. The novel ends with Kyle walking out of the big law firm and going to join his Dad in practice in Scranton, PA.

Lame. They never find Benny nor do we know who he really is. There is never closure in this story, so many open ends that need to be tied up. Kind of like one of those Law and Orders that just abruptly ends.

The writing was not well done, it seemed to be a mixture of earlier books - copy and paste at its best. Lazy writing.

Two thumbs down and let's hope they don't make a movie out of this one.


  1. I threw the Appeal in the trash when I finished reading it. I kept thinking 'when is this story going to turn?', and thought it was a sad comment of life that the bad guy won. Glad to have the heads up regarding 'The Associate'. I think John and I will have to part ways, which is too bad, I have always enjoyed his books.

  2. Thought the Appeal was badly written, but at least realistic. I wasn't even angry the bad guy won, the good guys were kind of insipid really... John Grisham's first five books are great really, afterwards it got underwhelming.
