Sunday, April 5, 2009

I Love America

As I was perusing my usual sites this morning for a brief update before conference (the milk before the meat) I came across an incredible rant by Warner Todd Huston, a regular contributor to What made the rant amazing was the common themes on which he touched - we, as Americans, have lost touch with each other. More and more we are seeing ourselves turn inward and worry about the self instead of the community. I was impressed by Bishop Edgeley's talk yesterday in Priesthood Session about the phone call to our brethren. (Sorry, no link for that yet on the Church's website)

I am not tired, I am full of life and energy. It is time to wake up and be men and women of courage, valor, ethics, and moral decency. We need to continue to put off the natural man who is consumed with himself and think about those things that matter - our spouses, our children, our family, our community, our God, our country. Madison Ave, Hollywood, and Washington DC does not represent this country. Those families who are trying the best they can to raise their children in righteousness, those who are willing to serve their country by thinking more about others than themselves, those who practice self-control in their financial, social, and work-related activities are the ones who built this nation and will continue to be it's base and foundation.

Read the article and see if you don't find yourself saying "Amen, brother!" Here is the article. After reading it, resolve to do something about your situation this week. Take your wife out on a date to look at the stars, play soccer with your children, call your siblings to tell them that you love them, make sure you are registered to vote, send an email to your Congressman, turn off your TV, gather your family around for family prayer. Do something to make a positive difference in their life.

And you will find you have made a positive difference in your life as well.

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