Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Polls Reflect the Common Man, Right?

Interesting article about the popularity of President Barack Obama and his high popularity poll number 100 days into his presidency. I admire President Obama like I admire President Clinton (Bill, not Hillary) in that they have a charisma that draws people to them, that allows people to trust them.

And then the people find out the truth.

Dick Morris, an advisor to President Clinton, writes that President Obama is planting seeds that will lead an absolute disaster in a matter of 6-12 months-
  • He hasn't raised taxes yet, which is inevitable under Democratic leadership and his free-wheeling government spending.
  • He hasn't set up his healthcare plan in which the government will tell you which doctors you can go to, that your medication is unnecessary, and your treatment is not covered or there are unbearable delays to receive it. Your doctor will not have any incentive to treat you as he will be reimbursed by the government at a flat cost.
  • He hasn't granted amnesty for illegal aliens, making those who came here legally a punch-line in a joke. If you think that granting amnesty for aliens who are currently in the country is a cure for the immigration problem then think again. How soon will it happen again?
  • He hasn't closed any of the car companies or banks that he now owns under the guise of the TARP program.
As long as President Obama continues to look good on magazine covers and in photo-ops and the media continues to fawn over him then the numbers will stay up. Watch out this fall though.

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