Friday, January 23, 2009

Call Your Senator

So I called Senators Bob Bennett and Orrin Hatch today, my senators from Utah. The girls who answered the phones were very cordial and polite, both said they would pass on my phone message to the Senators.

First time I have done that. I have emailed them before but not called. Kind of cool.

Call your senator and let him/her know that you oppose Tim Geithner for the head of the Treasury Dept. Here are their Washington office numbers and websites -

Sen. Bob Bennett - (202) 224-5444 and website

Sen Orrin Hatch - (202) 224-5251 and website

I had a buddy of mine contact Sen. Bennett after the election and ask for tickets to the inaugeration. Boom! Sen. Bennett arranged for everything and now has a big fan. My friend is very liberal but he thinks very highly of Sen. Bennett. Kudos to Sen. Bennett!

1 comment:

  1. way to go Greg! We all need to follow and be more proactive.
