Thursday, January 8, 2009

Distraction Overload

Things are happening so lightning quick now that average guys like me are having trouble staying up with the dominoes falling at a rapid rate. Events are taking place in the world, primarily in Europe and America, that would lead us to a world government if we are not attentive.

Yesterday, the chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel, called for a body at the UN to be formed that would function similar to the Security Council but be for judging the economic policies of governments. French president Nicolas Sarkozy called for state intervention to rescue banks and other financial institutions as well as pump more money in to the economy to stimulate growth. He is urging the United States to join the EU in this effort. This is on the same day that President-Elect Obama gave a speech about how we will all be starving in the streets if we don't pass his economic stimulus package.

This is getting way out of hand and in the name of "saving the people", we are losing our freedoms and sovereignty. We lost a good deal of freedom when President Bush and a Republican Congress played on our fears and in the name of patriotism rammed through the Patriot Act several years ago. Last year we were forced to accept a bailout package for industries that needed to be pruned and weeded of the deadwood. Now we are hearing that we need this stimulus package, plus the $1 trillion budget being pushed by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, or we could all certainly face another Great Depression.

Fear, how powerful is it?

If you don't support this economic package then you don't care about starving children. If you didn't support the Patriot Act you were unpatriotic, wanted the troops to be sacrificed, and hated America. We wrote to our Congressmen and said "Don't vote for the bailout!" and at first they resisted but in the end it passed.

Things are being put up to distract us from the government's takeover of various institutions. It isn't a loan, they now have stakes in the auto and financial industries. States like CA, TX, and NY are coming to Congress with their hat in hand looking for some relief. The steelmakers are looking like they want a bailout. Heck, even the porn industry wants a bailout! The seating of Roland Burris, Caroline Kennedy, Al Franken, the confirmation hearings in the Senate for proposed cabinet members is taking up all of the space in the news next to the "Woe is me" problems with the economy.

Wake up, the government is nationalizing our industries through all of this! They have stakes in everything! Guess who else did this? The Soviet Union. Look how much they lost in terms of freedoms, lives, generations of hope and prosperity.

We can't fall for this rouse, we can't allow ourselves to be herded like cattle into an EU type agreement and become one big happy government. We don't want a common currency, we don't want the "international justice court" to replace the Supreme Court, we don't want Interpol and the U.N. to be our way of order. If we lose sight of the mark then we are lost.

It's time to wake up (thanks to Nephi and Lehi for such good calls in scripture), stand up, organize, and make ourselves effective. Time to put away the gossip of Hollywood, the lure of constant sports and recreation, the counting of each diminishing penny, and get to what is important. The family and its preservation is key, the Constitution needs to be upheld by good people, and people need to become involved with their communities, their countries, their education.

No more distractions, no more excuses. Let's get to work.

1 comment:

  1. "The family and its preservation is key, the Constitution needs to be upheld by good people, and people need to become involved with their communities, their countries, their education."

    Wow it's like you read exactly what's in my mind! You are so right I'm so glad I'm not alone in thinking this.
