Monday, January 5, 2009

How To Steal An Election 101

Amazing, incredible, outrageous - these are the only words that I can find to describe what is happening in the Minnesota election race between the incumbent Norm Coleman (R-MN) and the challenger Al Franken (bad SNL actor of Stuart Smalley, author of Rush Limbaugh Is A Big Fat Idiot, host of radio talk show on failed liberal Air America channel). I have been following this since Coleman's close victory in November and knew that something was going happen because a Democrat could not lose another close race when it came to recounts. Remember Al Gore in Florida in 2000? Remember John Kerry in Ohio in 2004? Yes, men like George Soros and the leaders of the DNC would not let this happen again.

When the race turned out to be closer than anticipated and Coleman won by only several hundred votes, Al Gore, I mean Franken, started in with the recounts. In his corner is Democratic Sec of State Mark Ritchie and together they have mysteriously found lots of votes for Franken but hardly any gains for Coleman. The state Canvassing Board has been inconsistent with the way they are counting votes (sound familiar) and now Franken is coming to the opening session of the Senate tomorrow with a lead of 225 votes. They have done this by counting votes in counties where Franken led and were heavily Democratic and not counting or rejecting results from Coleman or Republican counties. There have been questions about duplicate ballots, where more ballots were cast than registered voters in the county, etc. Nobody from the RNC has stood up and demanded fairness. Now that he has the lead, he wants the recounts to immediately cease and demands that he be seated as a Senator from MN. Chucky Schumer (D-NY) agrees wholeheartedly and I am willing to bet Harry Reid will be happy to swear him in although the recount isn't finished and the lawsuits are only beginning.

What are the people of Minnesota thinking? First it was Jesse 'The Body' Ventura as their governor and now Stuart Smalley as a Senator. Amazing, absolutely amazing. Where is the RNC in all of this? Where is the liberal media in an outrage? They must be too busy condemning Israel, fawning over the inauguration, covering 'The Magic Man' Roland Burris in Illinois, or writing important pieces on NFL playoffs and whether Brittany is really getting back together with Kevin. All Americans need to be concerned about the process taking place in MN and I hope, in vain perhaps, that a special prosecutor will be appointed to take a look into this mess.

Here is a good WSJ article on the shenanigans and the rush to seat a Senator is who in every way illegitimate and tainted. "I'm not good enough, I'm not smart enough, and gosh darn it, people like me enough to help me cheat my way to the Senate."

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