Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Geithner and Taxes

Did anybody from Obama's transition team do the vetting on the picks for Cabinet members? Or did they do it and just not care because they knew that Republicans in the Senate simply roll over in the name of "making sure the transition is smooth?"

During Senate confirmation hearings today, the nominee for the head of the Treasury, Timothy Geithner (former Clintonite and head of the Federal Reserve, which should be a red flag immediately), admitted to not paying taxes between 2001 and 2004. He also had an illegal housekeeper. He kisses dogs in secret. OK, that last part isn't true but the first two came up during the confirmation hearings.

So what did the Senators do about it?




In fact, Orrin Hatch (R-UT) had this to say -

"I still support him. I have no problem. He's a very, very competent guy."

Incoming White House Liar, err . . . Press Secretary Robert Gibbs on the situation-

"He made a common mistake on his taxes, and was unaware that his part-time housekeeper's work authorization expired for the last three months of her employment. We hope that the Senate will confirm him with strong bipartisan support so that he can begin the important work of the country."

Competent does not miss paying his taxes for 4 years. Competent does not have illegal aliens for work. Oh, the Senate will confirm him with or without Republicans. They are powerless. I am so disappointed in Sen. Hatch, he is again abandoning the principles his constituents (like me!) voted him in for.

When I was in the application process with the Secret Service (SS is under the Treasury) they asked for the last 4 years of my tax returns. Why shouldn't their head be under the same scrutiny. If he is not honest with his taxes, what other things would he feel the need to not be honest with?

Amazing, absolutely amazing.

We go back again to the company President-elect Obama keeps, why are all of them turning out to have some major skeletons? And why are not more people caring?

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