Thursday, January 15, 2009

Congressional Budget Woes

So how much has your budget suffered because of the current economic conditions? I have 5 friends that have been laid off in the last week. At work they are talking about cutting welfare programs to the bone or eliminating them all together, having workers take unpaid furloughs, taking away parking, etc.

So the budget cuts have hit Congress too. Right?

Heh. Whatever.

Member Representational Allowance (MPA) are funds allocated to each Congressional office for routine maintenance, salaries, mailing costs, etc. to the tune of about $1.5 million each year. Every year the offices get an increase, between $20,000 and $30,000.

So you would think that this year might be a little different due to economic problems.

Nope. House Democrats have passed an increase of $90,000 to each office. Yes, TRIPLE the amount that is usually given. So that they can respond to increased concerns by their constituents. Or attend the inauguration ball, whichever will be of the most social benefit.

I am cutting costs here and they get a larger than ever budget increase. I am hoping to keep my job and they are releasing the rest of the bailout funds so mismanaged companies like Bank of America can get a second infusion of $25 billion. I am stocking up on my food storage as best I can and they are passing a $1 trillion dollar economic "stimulus" package budget. The first draft of bailout money did nothing for the economy, although it allowed the Bank of America to make sure that their acquisition of Merrill Lynch didn't absolutely sink them. President-elect Obama is now saying changes will take time, don't expect too much too soon. That is not what he said 3 months ago, he was talking up an instantaneous revitalization. Welcome to reality Mr. President.

Let's make Congress earn their new budget. Make sure they hear from you. Often. Even more often than that. Hold them accountable.

In every downturn somebody is profiting. Who would that be? Try the Federal Reserve. They are laughing all the way to the bank. Their bank. And then they go print some more money and laugh some more.

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